The Village Society

Shipton Gorge Village Society is a community organisation with wide ranging objectives aimed at enhancing our village life.  We run social events intended to provide opportunities for residents of the village and the surrounding area to socialise together, with our flagship events being the Party in the Paddock in June and the Summer Show and Fete in August. In recent years we have also run musical evenings, cookery competitions, a quiz night and talks, with events taking place either at the village hall or the New Inn. Often these events are presented by villagers or friends, and we are always on the lookout for new talent to broaden our repertoire.  We normally aim to run events on a break-even basis, unless we are fund raising for a specific purpose. 

We also own two large marquees which are used at village functions, but which are available to hire to local residents and organisations at very favourable rates. These are managed and maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers, affectionately known as the erectors, who can transport, erect and dismantle them to order. Once again, volunteers to assist in this none too onerous activity are always welcome.

Each year SGVS compiles and submits the Shipton Gorge entry into the Dorset Small Village Competition.  In the summer we provide hanging baskets for the New Inn and in the winter we organise and sponsor the village Christmas tree. We also maintain a village archive and each year we hold an event in the village hall at which photographs and other material relating to the village and villagers over many years can be seen. This is an ever expanding record of Shipton Gorge and more material is always welcome.

The society has a formal constitution and an elected committee which holds regular meetings as well as an annual general meeting. All residents of Shipton Gorge are welcome to attend the meetings and dates are published in advance.

Feel free to contact the Society with community based ideas or suggestions, and if you would like to get involved in Shipton Gorge Village Society we would be delighted to hear from you.


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Events  from October 2023

7th May - Coronation Event @ the Village Hall

5th August - Village Fete @ the Village Hall 

4th October - Bingo @ the Village Hall

1st November - Quiz Night@ the Village Hall 


Committee Members

Graham Garner, Acting Chairman
01308 897357

Dave Barclay, Treasurer    

Janet Whight, Secretary
01308 897249 - For any correspondence  Email -                 

Sally Parker                                   

Committee Members:

Tracey Barclay.
Howard Marshall